Bringing the World Closer
Calling all Teaching House graduates!
TH New York is very excited to be launching a new language awareness course!
The course takes a week and finishes with an exam giving you another
Cambridge qualification – the TKT: KAL (Knowledge About Language)
If the answer to any of the following is yes, maybe the KAL is for you:
* you have completed the CELTA but you aren’t confident in your
understanding of English grammar
* you did your CELTA a while ago but want to brush up your language
* you are tutoring independently and need to touch base on what language
systems you should be teaching your learners
* you’ve been teaching another subject and you want to add ESL to your
knowledge base
* you teach a subject other than English through the medium of English and
need to develop your understanding of how the language works
* you like grammar! (and lexis and phonology…)
* you want to know what discourse is
* you are teaching and finding that your students keep asking you tough
grammar questions
* you are going to teach in a competitive employment market and would like
extra certification to put you ahead of the other applicants
What is the difference between the KAL and CELTA?
The CELTA is a skills-based, vocational course. You learned and
practiced how to teach your students.
The KAL is a knowledge-based course. It isn’t going to develop your teaching
skills, but it will consolidate your knowledge of the English language and
give you more confidence in the classroom – it’ll teach you what to teach
your students.
But I thought the next level of qualification was the Delta?
That’s right – the Delta builds on material covered in both the CELTA and
KAL. The Delta is an integrated course, with practical and theoretical
modules. It is much more thorough than either CELTA or KAL – in the UK the
difficulty of the Delta course is formally recognized as being of Master’s
level. It is designed for teachers with about 2 years of practical
post-CELTA teaching experience, whereas the KAL is a much shorter course
that can be taken straight after your CELTA
Do I need the CELTA to do the KAL?
At Teaching House, yes. We want to ensure that everybody has the same level
of language knowledge before they start the KAL – the knowledge that we
cover on the CELTA, which we then want to take on to the next level.
So what do we cover on the KAL?
During the course, we’ll cover the following and much more:
* word classes
* the noun phrase
* the verb phrase – aspect, mood and tense
* complex sentences (the use of various types of clauses)
* modality
* adverbials
* phonemes
* stress patterns and their rules
* connected speech – linking, assimilation, intrusion, liaison, weak forms
* intonation
* phonology in discourse
* different types of meaning
* lexico-grammatical items
* register
* morphemes
* cohesion (grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion)
* coherence
* register
* genre
* functions
There’ll also be some revision sessions and an introduction to some of the
most important English language exams that you may need to train students
for in the future.
How is the course structured?
There is no teaching practice (TP) on the KAL course – instead there are
input sessions morning and afternoon, 9.45-12.45 and 2.00-5.00
How is the course assessed?
There is no teaching component on the KAL course – the whole course is
assessed by the Cambridge exam, which is on the final Friday afternoon.
Is there any compulsory reading?
There is no reading you need to do in advance, but if you are interested,
the following texts will give a sound foundation:
Grammar: _About Language_ by Scott Thornbury
Lexis: _How to Teach Vocabulary_ by Jeremy Harmer
Phonology: _Sound Foundations_ by Adrian Underhill
Discourse: _Beyond the Sentence_ by Scott Thornbury
How much does it cost?
Normally it costs $625 for candidates from outside Teaching House, but for
graduates of the Teaching House CELTA (wherever you took your course), the
course is available for $500, including all materials and the exam fee.
When will he course run?
The next course will begin on February 28 and will finish on March 4. We are
looking at running 2 additional courses in 2011, most likely in September
and November. Contact us at for an application
I think I’d still rather do the Delta.
Great – module 1 is running online from March 22 to May 31 and module 2 is
running from March 7 to May 13. Contact us at to
start the application process.
What’s next?
Keep your eyes open for other new courses and qualifications we hope to be
able to offer TH graduates during 2011. Next in the pipeline is a
weekend-long qualification in teaching younger learners.
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