My Teaching House

Bringing the World Closer

Hello everyone! Congratulations on completing your first task: successfully logging in to the site!

We are presently developing Generation 2 of the MyTeachingHouse site. It’s a great resource both on the course and after the course (in finding work and keeping up with friends you’ve made during the course). As this site is under development, we’d appreciate any feedback or suggestions that you have.

I have a few more tasks for you to complete—it may take about an hour or two. Please read the instructions below and complete it before next Monday.

Directions: All written answers must be posted on this thread (First Assignment) within the discussion forum in your course group. Since there are manyof you, it's important to post only on this thread (click "Reply toThis" at the bottom) so that we can keep the forum from getting full and messy-looking. However, if you have any other comments or questions you are welcome to start a new thread.

1. If you haven’t already, edit your profile with your current location, status and photo

2. Browse through our international directory of English language schools (hoverover "RESOURCES" in the toolbar at the top of the page and click"SCHOOL DIRECTORY" ). Post the name of a school that you think you might be interested in applying to after the course, and (briefly) why you liked that school.

3. Go to Course Forms and find a word from one of the glossaries that you do not know.

4. Post one idea or recommendation for

5. Post a personal goal related to taking our Teaching House CELTA course.

6. Post acomment about someone else’s comments, for example, “Lizzy, I agree with your comment about the job listings section…” or “Abby, I saw that you wanted to work in Paris. I was thinking about that myself—is it hard to find work in France?” If you're one of the first people to post, come back later with a comment after your peers have caught up.

Good luck and keep coming back to our site! You can email me at with any questions.

All the best,


Views: 371

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Anny,
Choral Drill was new for me, too, I haven't used drills.

see you tomorrow~
1. While I may change my mind, at the moment, I am not planning to apply to one of the schools in the directory. I have an opportunity to provide one-on-one ESL coaching for executives who want to improve their language skills.

2. Back-chaining

3. "Out of the box" ways to bring fun and creativity to the learning and teaching experiences.

4. My goal is change my life and begin a new adventure; to do well in the course and complete it prepared to teach/coach.

5. Anny, I agree with you -- this is an opportunity to pursue dreams.
Hi Tracy,
see you tomorrow~
Tracy, i like your goal. I'm also looking at a change . . . Late life, but I'm ready for my third career. Best of luck.
Since my wife and I are likely to move to her hometown in France when our son is old enough to attend school, the only two options I see in the directory are the Wall Street Institute in Grenoble, and Linguarama in Eybens. Of course, I know of other English schools in the Grenoble region that are not listed in the directory and will apply to them as well. The University Stendhal Faculty of Law would, however, be my preferred option as I hope to teach Legal English.

I was not aware that cuisenaire rods existed, let alone that they are "wooden rods of different lengths and colors, originally created for math work [that] can be used to depict many language items and concepts."

I think the website could be improved by making it easier to search the job listings by country.

My goal for taking this course is to learn how to teach English to foreign language speakers, because although a CELTA or other TEFL certificate is not required for teaching English in France, I want to approach a possible career change with the knowledge and skills necessary to approach English teaching as a qualified professional.

I agree with Anny that it would be nice to read stories from students who have already finished the course.
Hi Devin,
Moving to France - exciting~
Good luck!

see you tomorrow
Yes, once my wife finds a job there in her field, we will be ready to move, so luck is certainly part of the equation.
2. I have insufficient information from the school sites to indicate a preference. However, I am hoping to find a post eventually at one of the plethora of language schools in the city. There is a remote possiblity that I may at some future time consider a period of teaching in Italy. Employment in my case would be facilitated by the fact that I possess dual Italian and American citizenship.

3. The term back-chaining caught my eye. I had no idea what it meant but the term is intriguing. I looked it up and found the concept that underlies this process extremely interesting.

4. I can only second Amy Lee's suggestion that adding the experiences of those who have successfully completed the program would be a great source of encouragement to new students.

5. My personal goal is to become as effective as possible in enabling individuals to master the language. I have found that the experience of learning to express yourself in a hitherto unknown language is one of the most deeply satisfying experiences imaginable. It is like becoming another version of yourself.
Ciao Elia,

I like what you wrote - "like becoming another version of yourself"
quite poetic, and true, I think.
Hello everyone,

I am interested in ESL part-time jobs (My “other job” is teaching kids how to make movies, I have also volunteered at the Center for Reading and Writing/NYPL for two years and since I enjoy that so much, I’d like to become a better ESL tutor/teacher.
While it’s fun and interesting to teach kids… it would be nice to be able to teach adults, too. I like both, but I find teaching adults a bit easier sometimes.

Through online research and personal contacts I found some Family Literacy Programs at Public Schools, and listings at schools, colleges and community centers.
From the list on the Teaching House website, Riverside Language Program sounds interesting (but they require a Master’s degree in TESOL)
I like their mission statement:
The Riverside Language Program's mission is to provide English language classes for immigrants from around the world and to assist them in learning about American culture..."

NY Language Center and MLC-Multi Linguistic Communication (website coming soon) sound interesting
As the CELTA course progresses, I will continue to check out this list.

3. CELTA glossary:
The terms were all clear, but it helped to read about how they are used for this course.

ESL glossary:

FOR ELIA: Back-chaining caught my eye, too. It’s interesting that you start at the end of the sentence working your way back, I have always started at the beginning of the sentence with my students.

It was helpful to learn about the abbreviations MFP, CCQs, TTT (I’ll be more careful to avoid ‘echoing’ ☺)
I’ve used icebreakers for a first class, but not ‘warmers.’ Good idea.

FOR DEVLIN: I have never worked with Cuisenaire Rods (what a big term for small blocks) and am curious about using them.

4. I agree with Amy and Elia, including posts by previous students would be a good idea. The “Listings” page could be used more, currently there are no listings. I’m not sure what will be posted there, maybe some more categories could be added?

5. My goal is to become a better ESL teacher.
The first school for Thailand, A U A, has the best reputation and just this morning I visited their website.

I cannot find the glossaries. Drat :-(

I would like to see appropriate portions of the curriculum available online asynchronously. This might leave more time t teach when on campus and less time in a classroom.

Personal goals are to help new foreign language American in the near future and work in Bangkok a few years down the road. OPpssss. That's two.

Forgive any typos. I'm on an iPad keyboard. I'm so happy to be starting tomorrow.
With a bit more effort - ha - I did find the glossary. I particularly liked 'realia' nd can't wait to use it a dozen times in the next few weeks.I


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