My Teaching House

Bringing the World Closer

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the lovely sunny weather, those of you who are already in London. What an unusual treat! I'm looking forward to meeting you next week.

In the meantime, please feel free to introduce yourself by posting a reply to this thread. Perhaps tell us:

  • Some background information about yourself - where you are from and what you've been doing with your life for the last few years.
  • Why you are taking the CELTA and where you'd like to teach.

I'm Lizzy, I'm from Birmingham and I've been living in London for just over one year. Before that I worked in New York as a CELTA tutor and director of teacher training for Teaching House.  I took my CELTA in 1998!! Mostly I did it because I didn't know what else to do after finishing university but it's been a great career and I would recommend it highly for anyone who loves language and interacting with interesting people.

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I am Anam, I am from India. I want to enter into the field of English language teaching and I believe CELTA will prove to be a great platform to discover the basic fundamentals of teaching.

Looking forward to meet you all.


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