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Bringing the World Closer




A private group for the trainees taking the February 28 - May 7 2015 CELTA full time course with IH/TH Boston.

Members: 9
Latest Activity: Jul 28, 2015

Extensive Course Teaching House Boston 1 South Market St. Suite 4136, 3rd floor Boston, MA 02109 *entrance located next to Godiva Contact: 617 939 9318 | Duration: 10 weeks Teacher Trainers and Staff

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Comment by Matthew Noble on March 5, 2015 at 1:29pm

PS - the pre-int group incurred no fatalities last night. Jamila, Erika, Emilio, and Paul all lived to tell the tale of the exquisite ordeal that is your CELTA TP1 experience...with only minor cuts and bruises ;)

To live through it and learn from it: this is the primary function of TP1. So: don't be TOO nervous (if you weren't nervous *at all*...I'd worry!)...

See you on the other side! :)

Comment by Nancy S Moore on March 5, 2015 at 1:27pm

Thank you Matt. Your suggestions are helpful. Nancy

Comment by Matthew Noble on March 5, 2015 at 1:23pm

You should ABSOLUTELY refer to your procedure! You could glue to it your hand if that would help!

Some people also highlight 'scripted' instructions, ICQs, etc. or other things they want to make sure they say. Also, you could make 2 different versions: one in regular size font for the trainer, and one in larger font for yourself for ease of use as a reference in the classroom.

Hope that helps. :)

PS - however you do it, you'll always need 2 copies before 6 the day you are teaching: one for you, and one for your observing trainer.

Comment by Nancy S Moore on March 5, 2015 at 1:10pm

I have a question. I am teaching my first TP tonight. Is it okay to refer to our procedure during the class? I have this fear that I won't remember everything.


Comment by Nancy S Moore on March 4, 2015 at 11:50am

Thank you Matt for getting this discussion group underway. I came to CELTA to create a new career that would allow me to travel and to make a contribution in a country which does not enjoy the same resources that we have in the U.S. I left a long career in health care management. I also had the privilege of working with an international human rights organization for 7 years. My favorite hobby is ballroom dancing and I love adventure. My favorite experience so far is when I taught a project management class in Thailand to Burmese refugees.

1. What was your #1 takeaway from your first Saturday of input sessions? My #1 takeaway was meeting all my fellow CELTA trainees. I'm really looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you.
2. What specific questions do you have that another trainee might be able to help answer here? I don't have any specific questions at this time and I'm sure I will in the upcoming weeks, no days! :-)
3. Just how excited are you for your TP1 20-minute lesson on Thursday? ;)
I am super excited and a little nervous.

Looking forward to the journey.

Comment by Matthew Noble on March 3, 2015 at 2:31pm

[UPDATE] In the previous post I said "the M/W group is teaching Pre-Intermediate level for the first two weeks". Of course it's 5 weeks! I was thinking about the full-time CELTA there. Apologies. There are a few other little errors and typos there, but nothing that could cause confusion, I hope...


Comment by Matthew Noble on March 3, 2015 at 2:26pm

Hi Jane. If it's any consolation, EVERYONE feels the 'shock' of the CELTA course when it all seems to go from zero to sixty right off the bat. Don't's normal. It IS essential that you stay calm and take it step by step. Here are some general thoughts on some of your comments, hopefully it's a bit of a help:

"I am so far lost in reams of handouts that address concepts from all over the place"

My suggestion is to keep the input session handouts as neatly organized by session/date as possible. Keep this in a separate folder dedicated to this which you just bring in and out of the center on Saturdays. The four input sessions on Saturdays can 'stack up' mentally. I'd suggest spending 30 minutes or so spread out over the week reviewing each one by itself.

"How do we know which level each student is in? Are the students mixed up or were PI students last night, and AI students will be tonight?"

^ That's right - The M/W group is teaching Pre-Intermediate level for the first two weeks (the learners tested into this lower level) and your T/Th group is teaching the Upper-Intermediate students who tested into that level. After 5 weeks the student groups switch days. Each group has a relative range of learners (we squeeze lots of learners into only these two levels). People who come in for these classes CAN test below or above and out of TP class, but we're a bit liberal so that we can fill them. So expect a range within pretty well defined limits. The two classes absolutely have distinct dynamics and different atmospheres and of course the level of language being worked with is different. However, the basics of method, classroom management, and techniques you learn apply equally well to both. :)

"Patti had sent us a message saying you wanted us to complete 2 sections of our Teaching Plan (I assume for tonight). Any sections at all?"

That's not for tonight, that's for Thursday for you. That would be for your 'TP1' 20-minute mini-lesson. Your trainer will clarify this for you tonight. Tonight you are simply observing Patty and the students.

"How do we have our article reviewed and 2 sections of the plan that we've filled in reviewed tonight before we teach tomorrow? I actually could go on, but that's enough for now. Help! I'm lost."

It's the nature of the course; you'll feel like your 'playing catch' up for a while. Try to remain calm and be mindful. Be aware that everything will be accounted for in time and we expect some confusion and are ready to help you work through it. It's the active partnership of trainees/peers and trainers working together that makes it happen. A productive working pattern will develop.

Bring in one or two possible authentic texts tonight so Patty can look at them. Again, you might have the beginnings of your plan for Thursday to show Patty or you might not. Don't fret; she'll set you on the right course for Thursday.

Remember: the first TP isn't a whole class. It's a single activity. It's 20 minutes long, which in class will fly right by. You're being 'thrown into' the classroom so that you can start to establish the most basic foundations of a) being the person up at the front b) using your voice to do your classroom management moves c) get through 20 minutes without running out of the center screaming.

I kid, but I hope that puts things in perspective?

Enjoy your observation of Patty tonight and your chance to meet and greet the learners you'll be with for the next 2 weeks! Enjoy it...and relax! :) THEY will be your best teachers, so make THEM your focus for the evening. After the lesson Patty (and your peers) will then help give you a start for Thursday.


Comment by Jane Hodge on March 3, 2015 at 9:54am

Hi, Matt - (and, yes, I realize everyone sees this)
A couple of questions/comments:
1. I am so far lost in reams of handouts that address concepts from all over the place, instructions that are sometimes confusing, and a general lack of understanding of what the hey we're doing or are supposed to do. I'm sorry if I sound like a complainer, but I really want to streamline all this info so I can more easily digest it. Patti sent me 1 email message that outlined a few things in a way I could understand. I'm a linear thinker who gets lost in circular thinking. If possible, could you and Patti explain what's expected of us in a step by step fashion (or, linear, as I call it) so I can follow it?
2. For instance, how do we know which level each student is in? Are the students mixed up or were PI students last night, and AI students will be tonight? Or, are they all the same students?! When we were told to choose a written piece, we were told to choose whichever level we wanted to address. How can that be unless the classes are separated by PI and AI students? I'm confused.
3. Patti had sent us a message saying you wanted us to complete 2 sections of our Teaching Plan (I assume for tonight). Any sections at all?
4. How do we have our article reviewed and 2 sections of the plan that we've filled in reviewed tonight before we teach tomorrow?
I actually could go on, but that's enough for now. Help! I'm lost.

Thanks, Jane Hodge

Comment by Matthew Noble on March 3, 2015 at 8:44am

[UPDATE] In the last post I submitted a link to the google doc and told you it was 'editable'. However, that link was for 'read only' privileges! Here is the correct link. If you follow THIS one, you should be able to write into the doc! Here:

Please let me know here, if necessary, if there's a tech issue with that. Thanks!


Comment by Matthew Noble on March 3, 2015 at 8:39am

On Monday night Jamila, Erika, Emilio, and Paul (the JEEP crew!) followed up my demo lesson observation with some group interview time with the students, filling out an info chart. Benjamin, Megan, Jane, and Nancy (oh well, that doesn't form a workable acronym...) are going to do the same tonight after Patty's lesson.

Not everyone typically gets a chance to learn about everyone during this interview time so I thought it would be nice to 'crowdsource' all of the learners' profiles you collect onto one document so that we all have access to some background info about ALL the learners (in both groups!).

So, follow the link below to an editable google doc with to tables on it: one for the Pre-Int learners and one (on page 2) for the Upper-Int learners. There's no particular rush with this, but please try to add some of the information you collect in your meeting and chatting time with the learners from the demo day onto the appropriate table. Let's try to fill it up as much as we can with the info supplied (and your own observations of them, too!).

This may be a helpfu resource for your 2nd assignment, the FOL (Focus on the Learner) wherein you each chose one student to interview one-to-one to do a more depth personal learner profile as well as collect samples of errors in their spoken and written output, etc. It can also be a resource when it's time to switch levels and you want to get a sense of who's who in the class you're switching into (you'll also have a chance to observe TP once at the other level before you switch over to teach them...that's great, right?).

Okay, here's the link to the TP student info charts for you guys to fill in together:

Welcome to the CELTA! Where you learn, among other things, that teaching is in large part all about *knowing your learners*. As they sometimes say, ultimately "teach the learners, not the textbook".

I look forward to meeting everyone on Saturday afternoon. :)


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