Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, The Middle East
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Hello! My name is Kali. For the last year, i have been working for the local high school district as a substitute teacher. I graduated with a BA in Political Science concentrations in International Relations and Pre-law. I spent three months studying in the Middle East, because I really love the language and culture. In my spare time, I love to read, watch movies and sports, workout, anything outdoors, and being outgoing.
Unfortunately, I have not been to the Middle East... yet? Who knows, haha. Are you looking to go back to the Middle East soon? I'm in the NYC CELTA class until the end of September and then it's time for an adventure or two. Enjoy your class!
Joseph Valle
Hey Kali,
Unfortunately, I have not been to the Middle East... yet? Who knows, haha. Are you looking to go back to the Middle East soon? I'm in the NYC CELTA class until the end of September and then it's time for an adventure or two. Enjoy your class!
Aug 31, 2012
Marcello Sousa
Hey Kali...
Thanks for saying "Hello" =D
I guess we're meeting pretty soon, right?
Take care
Aug 31, 2012
Nico G Pierson
Thai is hard to learn because it's not as common as other languages. I've been to two games at Dodger Stadium, but I mainly cheer from my television.
Aug 31, 2012