Beth Anne Bacon


Great Barrington, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Do you have a blog or website?
Which best describes your current role?
Where's your CELTA center?
Where have you worked?
Asia, North America
Where would you like to work?
Asia, North America
Share more about yourself.
I am in the beginning process of being Certified to Teach English as a Second Language. I have an ongoing fascination with Asian Culture and History and want to work with those who speak Mandarin and who would like to learn English. I want to help create a dialogue between cultures through language, music and theater. My Chinese Poetry in Song Project will become a major theatrical or film production using western song, recorded and live performances with actors, musicians and dancers. This all stems from the use of Asian Philosophical Poetry, Classical Chinese Instruments and dance.

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  • Arielle Shaindel Boguslav

    Thanks! I'm intrigued by your artistic plans - when did you decide to do all of this? And of course, enjoy your windy day too!

  • Jonathan Sims

    What is your email address? I posted mine on the group main page. Linda would like to coordinate TP 5 and I feel it would be easiest if we could all have an email conversation.

  • Jonathan Sims

    Thanks Beth. I just started the job hunt last week after Thanksgiving had passed. I've been emailing a bunch on language schools in Prague; so far not too much of a response but we'll see. Good luck in Boston!