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May 4, 2017 — For those clocks that have winding chains, slowly pull the chain on the shorter side in a downward direction until the weight reaches the To wind the clock simply place the key, or crank, into the winding point and turn clockwise sixteen revolutions. When the clock is fully wound an internalWhen setting the clock to time, move the minute hand clockwise, pausing at each quarter hour for the clock to chime. Winding — Eight Day clock: Wind the clock To wind the clock simply place the key, or crank, into the winding point and turn clockwise sixteen revolutions. When the clock is fully wound an internal How to Wind a Pendulum Clock · 1. Locate the winding points on the clock face. · 2. Insert the key or crank into a winding point. · 3. Continue turning the key or Wind the clock once each day, preferably at about the same time each day. Turn the key with a smooth motion, stopping when the spring is tight. Never let the Whichever direction the key turns freely is the right one. If the key won't move easily in either direction, this indicates the clock doesn't need to be wound.
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