My Teaching House

Bringing the World Closer

Emily Gant
  • 34, Female
  • Atlanta, GA
  • United States
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  • Caroline Nikazmerad
  • My Teaching House

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Profile Information

Which best describes your current role?
CELTA Trainee
Where's your CELTA center?
New York
Where have you worked?
North America
Where would you like to work?
Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, The Middle East, North America
Share more about yourself.
I'm will be entering my last year of college this fall, and I am excited to start a career internationally. I'm a Management major/French minor at Georgia Tech, and I could see myself possibly teaching Business English. I would like to do more non-profit work in the long run. I do a lot of service in Atlanta, and I just finished up a year with AmeriCorps: Jumpstart. I am very interested in sustainability, human rights, and alternative politics.

I became interested in the CELTA after backpacking Europe by myself in summer 2010. From that point onward, I knew that getting a job in the US wasn't an option. There is so much to see! I currently work at Atlanta English for Successful Living and really enjoy it, so I thought that teaching abroad might be a good place to begin my post-university life.

I really like going to shows and galleries, free things, comic books, and street art. I also recommend that everyone make a account.

I learned how to ride a bike this summer!

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At 5:05pm on July 13, 2011, Caroline Nikazmerad said…
Emily you may want to find me on facebook, haha my name may be easier for you to find! I am really excited for this class, I have been teaching but I have a long way to go before I think I make a great teacher, ohhhhh I am excited but its going to be a lot of work! : )
At 4:06pm on July 13, 2011, Caroline Nikazmerad said…
Hey Emily! My name is Caroline and we are going to be in class together this Monday. I had to write you and say hello because I like all the information you put up about yourself, and mostly i am impressed you backpacked europe on your own! Hope we can be good friends : )

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