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A private group for students of the Atlanta Teaching House June 3, 2013- June 28, 2013 CELTA Course
Location: Atlanta
Members: 7
Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2013
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Started by My Teaching House. Last reply by Allison Kerley Jun 4, 2013.
This is what people who don't have to teach on Friday do (look for a full version of our awesome inaugural class anthem: DAYMAN!)
I figured out what I did wrong, Anta! I was hitting the Backspace button to delete between words instead of hitting the "Delete" button below the text box. After that, it worked fine! :)
This site seems to work better for typing in phonemes :)
Me again! I found this great site where you can type your words, sentences using phonemes and simply cut and paste your result into whatever document you need it for, instead of looking for the FUNky little characters everywhere in your computer :) Hope this helps!
Thanks Anta! I have saved that as a document! :)
Hey guys, I thought you all might find the source below helpful for tenses (Form). I found it online. Here's the site it came from:
FORMULA OF TENSE: S + V + O Or Subject + Verb + Object
1. Simple Past Tense S + Past Form of the Verb + O
E.g. He wrote a letter.
2. Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + V + ing + O
E.g. I was writing a letter.
3. Past Perfect Tense S + had + Past Participle (PP.) of the Verb + O
E.g. She had written a letter.
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had been + V + ing + O + since/for
E.g. We had been writing a letter since morning.
5. Simple Present Tense S + V + O
E.g. You write a letter.
6. Present Continuous Tense S + is/am/are + V + ing + O
E.g. She is writing a letter.
7. Present Perfect Tense S + has/have + Past Participle (PP.) of the Verb + O
E.g. They have written a letter.
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + has been/have been + V + ing + O + since/for
E.g. You have been writing a letter for three hours.
9. Simple Future Tense S + will/shall + V + O
E.g. We shall write a letter.
10. Future Continuous Tense S + will be/shall be + V + ing + O
E.g. She will be cooking food.
11. Future Perfect Tense S + will have/shall have + Past participle (PP.) of the Verb + O ….
E.g. She will have written a letter before we go.
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + will have been/shall have been + V + ing + O + since/for
E.g. They will have been writing a letter since morning.
Compiled ByRV
Hey guys! Here is the link I mentioned earlier with a really good explanation for each of the 12 English tenses.
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