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Bringing the World Closer

Hello everyone!

Congratulations on completing your first task: successfully logging in to

I have a few more tasks for you to complete—it may take about an hour or two. Please read the instructions below and complete it before next Monday.

Directions: All written answers must be posted on this thread (First Assignment) within the discussion forum in your course group. Since there are many of you, it's important to post only on this thread (click "Reply to This" at the bottom) so that we can keep the forum from getting full and messy-looking. However, if you have any other comments or questions you are welcome to start a new thread.

1. If you haven’t already, edit your profile with your current location, status and photo.

2. Browse through our international directory of English language schools (hover over "RESOURCES" in the toolbar at the top of the page and click "SCHOOL DIRECTORY" ). Post the name of a school that you think you might be interested in applying to after the course, and (briefly) why you liked that school.

3. Go to Course Forms page and find a word from one of the glossaries that you do not know.

4. Post one idea or recommendation for

5. Post a personal goal related to taking our Teaching House CELTA course.

6. Post a comment about someone else’s comments, for example, “Lizzy, I agree with your comment about the job listings section…” or “Abby, I saw that you wanted to work in Paris. I was thinking about that myself—is it hard to find work in France?” If you're one of the first people to post, come back later with a comment after your peers have caught up.

Good luck and keep coming back to our site!

You can email me at if you have any questions.

See you all soon!


Views: 253

Replies to This Discussion

Where do I find the Course Forms page?

The schools that I am interested in applying to are EC English, Boston Academy of English and Berlitz Language Center. These three schools/centers are in Boston itself and easy to get to from where I live. I am comparatively new to Boston and hence having an easy commute to my place of work is important to me.

3. In the Pre-course Task I encountered a word 'collocation' which I had never heard before.

4. I feel it is too early for me to give any kind of ideas or recommendation for Till now everything has been going quite smoothly. So it would seem that they have all under control!

5. Regarding my personal goal, I want to expand my practical and theoretical knowledge. I have never really learnt Grammar formally - so that is going to be a challenge. Also I have not taught for the last 10 years and never adults. Hence I need to get the confidence to face a classroom filled with adults.

I noticed that you have the goal of feeling confident teaching adults. I have this goal as well because as a young adult I have concern over how the older adults will view a younger person teaching them. What is your experience of teaching younger people?

It was a great experience teaching the young ones. I taught for a few years in India and then in Singapore I taught Grade One. For young children it is really important to be able to hold their attention and keep their interest in what is being taught. But as I said earlier I have not been in a classroom situation for a long time now!

2. I encountered the school, American School of Guatemala. This school appeals to me mostly because of its location of Guatemala. After browsing their website, I concluded that the school features a rigorous schedule fir its students, prepares the older students for opportunities in the US, and still maintains the cultural rich aspect of Guatemala. I am interested in the school because of their apparent interest in the success of their students. I also love the culture of Guatemala.
3. Cloze exercise
4. The website is easy to navigate and visually appealing. I do not have any ideas or recommendations at this time. Perhaps as I use it more I will have some ideas later.
5. I do not have experience teaching English. Also, I only have teaching experience in one- on-one situations. Therefore, my goal is to gain the comfort and confidence of teaching multiple students at once.


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